Top Dynamic Microphones: A How-to Guide for Broadcasting

I've spent years in the broadcasting industry, and I can say with certainty that the right microphone can make all the difference. That's why I've created this guide to help you navigate the world of dynamic microphones. From the benefits they offer to the key features you should look out for, I'll walk you through everything you need to know. So, let's dive in and find the perfect dynamic microphone for your broadcasting needs.

Benefits of Dynamic Microphones for Broadcasting

One of the main benefits of using dynamic microphones for broadcasting is that they are highly durable and can withstand the demands of live performances. This is due to the unique characteristics of dynamic microphones. Unlike condenser microphones, which rely on delicate components, dynamic microphones are built with a sturdy construction that can handle rough handling and extreme conditions. This makes them ideal for broadcasting settings where equipment may be subject to frequent movement and potential accidents.

Another advantage of dynamic microphones is their ability to handle high sound pressure levels (SPL). They can handle loud sounds without distortion, ensuring clear and accurate audio reproduction. This is particularly beneficial in broadcasting situations where there may be sudden spikes in volume, such as during live concerts or sports events. Dynamic microphones can capture these high SPLs without compromising the quality of the sound.

Furthermore, dynamic microphones are known for their excellent off-axis rejection. This means that they are less sensitive to sounds coming from the sides and rear, focusing more on the sound source directly in front of them. This characteristic is crucial in broadcasting environments where background noise can be a challenge. Dynamic microphones excel at isolating the desired sound and minimizing unwanted noise, resulting in a clean and professional broadcast.

Key Features to Look for in Dynamic Microphones

What are the key features to look for in dynamic microphones? When it comes to choosing a dynamic microphone for broadcasting, there are several important specifications to consider. One of the most crucial features is the frequency response. A wide frequency response ensures that the microphone can accurately capture a broad range of sounds, from low to high frequencies. This is especially important in broadcasting, where clear and natural sound reproduction is essential.

Another important specification to look for is the polar pattern. Dynamic microphones typically come with either cardioid or hypercardioid polar patterns, which are ideal for broadcasting applications. These patterns help to minimize background noise and focus on capturing the sound from the desired source, such as a host or guest speaker.

Durability is also a key feature to consider. Dynamic microphones are known for their rugged construction, making them suitable for use in various broadcasting environments. Look for microphones that are built with high-quality materials and have a sturdy design to withstand regular use and transportation.

In terms of common applications, dynamic microphones are widely used in broadcasting for interviews, podcasts, live performances, and field reporting. Their versatility and ability to handle high sound pressure levels make them ideal for capturing clear and professional audio in these settings.

When selecting a dynamic microphone for broadcasting, it is crucial to consider these important specifications and the common applications in order to make an informed decision.

Top Dynamic Microphones for Professional Broadcasters

Now let's explore the top dynamic microphones for professional broadcasters. When it comes to live broadcasting, there are several popular dynamic microphones that are widely used. One such microphone is the Shure SM58. Known for its durability and excellent sound quality, the SM58 is a favorite among professional broadcasters. Another popular choice is the Electro-Voice RE20. This microphone offers a smooth and balanced sound reproduction, making it ideal for broadcasting applications. The Sennheiser MD 421 II is also highly regarded in the broadcasting industry. It features a wide frequency response and excellent off-axis rejection, helping to minimize background noise.

When comparing dynamic microphones to condenser microphones for broadcasting, there are a few key differences to consider. Dynamic microphones are generally more rugged and can handle higher sound pressure levels, making them suitable for live broadcasting environments. Condenser microphones, on the other hand, are more sensitive and offer a wider frequency response, making them ideal for studio recording. Ultimately, the choice between a dynamic microphone and a condenser microphone depends on the specific needs and preferences of the professional broadcaster.

How to Choose the Right Dynamic Microphone for Your Broadcasting Needs

After exploring the top dynamic microphones for professional broadcasters, I will now guide you on how to choose the right dynamic microphone for your broadcasting needs. When it comes to microphones, two common types are dynamic and condenser microphones. While condenser microphones are known for their sensitivity and accuracy, dynamic microphones offer durability and versatility, making them a popular choice for broadcasters.

To help you make an informed decision, I have created a table comparing different types of dynamic microphones:

Microphone Model Polar Pattern Frequency Response
Shure SM58 Cardioid 50Hz – 15kHz
Electro-Voice RE20 Cardioid 45Hz – 18kHz
Sennheiser MD 421 Cardioid 30Hz – 17kHz

The Shure SM58 is a widely-used dynamic microphone known for its durability and clear sound reproduction. The Electro-Voice RE20 is another popular choice, offering a smooth and natural sound with excellent off-axis rejection. Lastly, the Sennheiser MD 421 is known for its versatility and ability to handle high sound pressure levels.

When choosing a dynamic microphone, consider factors such as your budget, intended usage, and the microphone's polar pattern and frequency response. It's also important to test different microphones to find the one that best suits your broadcasting needs. Remember, the right dynamic microphone can greatly enhance the quality of your broadcasts.

Tips for Properly Using Dynamic Microphones in Broadcasting

To ensure optimal performance and sound quality, it is important to follow these tips for properly using dynamic microphones in broadcasting:

  • Position the microphone correctly: Place the microphone close to the sound source, but not too close to avoid distortion. Aim the microphone at the source for better pickup and clarity.
  • Check for proper connection: Ensure that the microphone is securely connected to the audio interface or mixer. Loose connections can result in poor sound quality or no sound at all.
  • Avoid excessive handling: Dynamic microphones are designed to withstand rough handling, but excessive tapping or dropping can cause internal damage. Treat the microphone with care to maintain its performance.
  • Use proper wind protection: When broadcasting outdoors or in windy environments, use windshields or pop filters to reduce wind noise. This helps maintain clear and professional audio.

Common mistakes and troubleshooting techniques:

  • Watch out for plosives: Plosive sounds like 'p' and 'b' can cause unwanted bursts of air hitting the microphone. Use a pop filter or position the microphone slightly to the side to minimize this issue.
  • Deal with background noise: If you're experiencing excessive background noise, adjust the microphone's polar pattern or position to focus on the desired sound source and reject unwanted noise.
  • Check for cable issues: If you're experiencing intermittent sound or no sound at all, check the cable for any damage or loose connections. Consider using a different cable to troubleshoot the issue.
  • Test in different environments: If you're not getting the desired sound quality, test the microphone in different environments to see if the issue is specific to a particular location. Adjust the microphone's settings accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use a Dynamic Microphone for Other Purposes Besides Broadcasting?

Yes, you can use a dynamic microphone for various purposes beyond broadcasting. Dynamic microphone versatility allows for use in live performances, recording studios, podcasting, and public speaking events, ensuring clear and crisp audio reproduction in any setting.

Are Dynamic Microphones Better Than Condenser Microphones for Broadcasting?

Are dynamic microphones better than condenser microphones for broadcasting? Let's compare the pros and cons of both types. Dynamic mics offer durability and great performance in loud environments, while condenser mics provide superior sensitivity and accuracy.

How Do Dynamic Microphones Handle Background Noise in Broadcasting?

Dynamic microphones handle background noise in broadcasting through noise reduction techniques. They are designed to pick up sound directly in front of the microphone while minimizing ambient noise. This makes them ideal for noisy environments.

Can I Connect a Dynamic Microphone Directly to My Computer for Broadcasting?

No, you can't just plug a dynamic microphone directly into your computer for broadcasting. You'll need a USB adapter and proper broadcasting equipment to ensure optimal dynamic microphone audio quality.

Do Dynamic Microphones Require Phantom Power for Broadcasting?

No, dynamic microphones do not require phantom power for broadcasting. They are designed to work without it, making them convenient and versatile for various broadcasting applications. The robust construction and high sound pressure handling are key advantages of dynamic microphones.


In conclusion, dynamic microphones are the go-to choice for professional broadcasters due to their numerous benefits and key features. While some may argue that other types of microphones offer better sound quality, dynamic microphones excel in durability, versatility, and affordability. With the right dynamic microphone, broadcasters can ensure clear and professional sound in their broadcasts. So, don't hesitate to invest in a high-quality dynamic microphone for your broadcasting needs.

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